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by Developing Servant Leaders
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A snap shot of John Adams Academy
Added Jun 05, 2013
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Our core values,how we use mentors, a classical education
Show Transcript
YouTube Laila Ali when we first started this show me going to get the word out so we started in in people's homes we just asked them to invite their friends and neighbors and see if they were interested in ethical leadership education for their children we did several of these in homes and people peeing and homes referral and and people you need a bigger venue you need to go somewhere where more people can come and and so we rented the blue Goofy's and Loomis and we I remember play me know tonight if we can set up a hundred chairs and and I thought you know we was a big issue down because we don't want to make look like we were accepting you expecting people then show up and before we knew it we were there because there was so many people the traffic was out of control we ended up with do people hate people who are desperate for a better choice and education for their children my favorite core value in appreciation of Our National Heritage I think it's the best because I love America no matter what anybody else says America is the best I would I wouldn't rather be in any other place but number to public and private versus new the Sacramento I went into Ministry Ministry doors just kept closing and trying to have a family the doors kept closing so I was frustrated. forgot just give me directions and opportunity and was kind of feeling like I was not I was going to move back to Marin my at that wave work do we just need to move home and I got a phone call from mrs. Brown and she told me about John Adams High I researched it their Philosophy for education and life is so line with mine and my husband's that it was the first time in a long time and was excited about teaching again the beginning of something new I got to take all the skills and all the hurt that I had for 10 years and apply them in a way that can really change I love John Adams I love what we're doing developing servant leaders what I've been called to do in my life and I'm just happy to be a place where God using me to to restore hope I think and give people hope and maintain that help in a way that's pouring into our future and future servant leaders my favorite moments really are those times when the kids are excited you can almost feel the energy and so to watch somebody come alive and to feel it to feel what it is and I have respect for the discipline for what it takes to create art they can cut another piece of art we can go oh yeah that's that's what it took to make that so once they have that idea that's that's exciting to me if this is a mentor classic I like it because I believe that there is a lot of people don't really understand that Classics have lessons to be learned and meant to help you achieve your dreams by bring you what you believe in the mentoring program at John Adams Academy was one of the things that really drew me to the school because my background is in school counseling I really miss the opportunity of working one-on-one or in groups with kids of faith I specially junior high school and high school age it's a great opportunity it's exciting from my perspective it's to give the kids an opportunity to learn from many different walks of life and to sort of figure out where they're roses going to take there is a difference and John Adams versus public schooling that in my experience where I've worked and that's what really attracted sure as well it's a human taurine is it so much of my work before was spent trying to fix and correct deficit in our lives at this school everyone's nice it to me and you usually at my other school that they weren't fooling and passing in a lot even stoled my phone that I got for my birthday the first couple Days Inn in in the locker room picture of Jonathan really different compared to other schools because here the maturity level is a lot higher there is not a lot of kids running around class all the time and the teacher inside of the student numbers it's really small so the teachers have a lot of time to spend on the students some of the teachers pay here after school for hours they can't that works perfect are they didn't have a constant message of inspiration coming to them they did not have the message that they could achieve whatever they thought other people to see that look what's on Adams it's all about in Freight in here is all about that they are in fact we believe they're Geniuses we believe that they can achieve bang and that they're needed but they're going to go out into the world and change it so what you see behind me is our 8th grade Legacy based on Emma Lazarus poem about the Colossus and we decided that we wanted to leave behind a legacy for the rest of John Adams school years this painting represents largest living organism a group of trees in Colorado when they get rooted they come back stronger and the strep resent how are they Scholars come back stronger and support each other the best way to prepare our nation's used to soar in this ever-changing world classical education for modern times I really believe in a classical education is so language-based program that is both written and verbal and it really gets the students to think in-depth they learn how to think not just what to think they don't go by what I say they think for themselves Buster and creativity scenario spirit high standards of academic excellence a comparison the highest of a thousand I don't I don't know of anyone who's received that the highest score in our general area was 9:35 our legal counsel told us its unprecedented before the first year school and you didn't teach us to the Past modeling what we teach abundance mentality building a culture of classical education history of the spine so everything else is added into that historical perspective so all of these details are interconnected and that knowledge sticks with him that I just love when they come in and specially my 10th graders right now come in and fix what we learned here we learned in science we learned in our and it's just all fitting together for me and I'm I was able to talk to my grandpa about World War II and I was able to understand this on the news and saw those pieces fitting together I think his is what's important I think that we owe it to All Children's to be able to teach them to soar in a classical education is the way to do that if you were here today you are part of the commission what you want to leave for your posterity to your country each of you must ask yourself what was I meant to do how I sing to change the world that could be done to fulfill our mission
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