First Day of School

First Day of School
Due to Placer County being on the Watch List, all instruction for the Roseville Campus will start with Distant Learning until further notice.

Dear John Adams Academy Families,

We want to thank you for the participation and feedback you have provided over the past few months as we work together to support your scholars for the 2020/2021 school year. This has been an unprecedented summer, and the John Adams Academy faculty and staff have put in countless hours to ensure that our plans uphold our mission and vision while maintaining our culture and academic excellence.

On July 17, 2020, Governor Newsom released a mandate requiring that counties must be off the CA COVID-19 County Monitoring List for 14 consecutive days in order to open schools to on-campus instruction. And, it takes at least 3 days of a county meeting all of the threshold criteria to come off the watchlist.  Placer County (Roseville & Lincoln Campuses) continues to be on the Monitoring List; El Dorado County (EL Dorado Hills Campus) is not on the Monitoring List. 

Our hope has always been to open our campuses and welcome scholars, in person, on our first day of school. Unfortunately, due to Governor Newsom’s mandates, we are unable to start our first day of school in-person for our campuses in Placer County (Roseville & Lincoln). We continue to monitor El Dorado County.  Academy leadership will be meeting with El Dorado county officials next week regarding the status of El Dorado county’s COVID cases.   As El Dorado County is currently not on the Monitoring List, we are still preparing for on-campus instruction. We will communicate any change in on-campus instruction status with our families as soon as possible. 

Scholars who attend our Roseville and Lincoln Academies will begin instruction on the first day of school with our distance learning program. We will continue to work with county education and health officials to monitor the situation in both Placer and EL Dorado Counties, with the hope of transitioning to our on-campus plan. Once we are off of the Monitoring List, meeting all county and state public health requirements, we will welcome scholars to campus within a reasonable time frame that allows teachers and scholars to prepare for the return to campus and open our campus safely.

If your family selects to be placed on distance learning for the semester, it is very important that you respond to the Distance Learning Registration Survey. We have extended the deadline to Sunday, August 2nd at 5pm, in light of this communication.  We are using this information to form our classes, create class schedules and assign teachers. If you do not want to commit to semester long distance learning, please DO NOT complete the distance learning survey for your scholar. This survey is ONLY for families who are committing to distance learning as a semester long option. 

Throughout week of August 10th – 14th, we will be posting details regarding class schedules, distance learning orientations, virtual back to school nights, teacher assignments and materials distribution.

We have received multiple inquiries regarding a state or county waiver for elementary schools desiring to open, regardless of County Monitoring List status. Although there has been mention of a waiver at the state level, the application process and requirements have not been released. We will continue to explore this option once it becomes available to us. 

For questions regarding the Monitoring List, please do not contact the school office. John Adams Academy encourages our families to see the county website and engage with their state and county officials. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout this process. 

If you have a questions, please feel free to contact Heather Brown at heather.brown@johnadamsacademy or via Parent Square message. 

The John Adams Academy Administrative Team

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