ParentSquare » Too Many/Not Enough Emails? NOTIFICATION SETTINGS


You are in control of how many emails you get from the Academy.  Log into your ParentSquare account to set your Notifications Settings preference. 
  • Log in
  • Go to the right hand corner and click your name
  • Select My Account from the dropdown menu
  • On the right side of the page, select Customize your settings --> under NOTIFICATION SETTINGS
PS Notification Settings
OFF: You will receive no notifications from the Academy except for emergency school alerts.  You will need to log into ParentSquare to read messages sent from the Academy and your scholar's teacher.
INSTANT: You will receive notifications as they are sent from the Academy and your scholar's teacher. 
DIGEST: You will receive one email, sent at 6pm listing all communications that were sent in the last 24 hours from the Academy or your scholar's teacher.