Academy Nutrition Services » FAQ




Onsite Scholars


In accordance to state and federal law, John Adams Academy participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP). The state of California requires all public schools to participate in the Universal Meal Program where all children are provided meals, free of charge, regardless of family income.


However, the Academy’s school funding is still tied to the percentage of scholars who qualify for free and reduced meal pricing based on completed meal applications. Because this helps us determine our funding, every John Adams Academy family is encouraged to fill out a free and reduced meal application regardless of whether they qualify or not. For a simple and secure method to apply, use our online application at For “District” please select John Adams Academy (Roseville, California). You can also download and print an application from our website, or pick up a copy at the front desk. Please submit any completed, printed copies to [email protected].


Where can I find information about the John Adams Academy meal program?

You can find School Meal Program information on the website under the FAMILIES tab on the main navigation bar.  Select ACADEMY NUTRITION SERVICES.  


What days are breakfast and lunch served?

Breakfast and lunch will be served each day school is in session.


Do I have to fill out a meal application?

We encourage all parents to complete and submit a meal application. Meal applications must be completed yearly.


In addition to potential benefits to families, the state uses completed meal applications to determine funding for John Adams Academy.  A portion of our funding as a public school is significantly affected by accurately qualifying families that are eligible for benefits. If there is any chance you may qualify for benefits, completing the application helps the Academy to ensure our funding levels are accurate.


If I complete a meal application, do I have to enter my household income?

Anyone completing a meal application must enter a correct household income and select the appropriate pay frequency for the amount you entered.  If you do not enter an income amount, the system will see that as zero and will qualify you for benefits.  The information listed in the form is confidential and not used for any other purpose.  Please also ensure that you are selecting the appropriate campus for your scholar.


Why should I complete a meal program application if I know my family does not qualify for free or reduced meal benefits.

Again, we encourage all families to fill out an application form, every year, as a portion of our funding as a public school is significantly affected by accurately qualifying families that are eligible for benefits. Even if you do not receive benefits, your determination helps us to calculate our percentages.  Titan allows you the easiest, most expedient way to qualify for free or reduced benefits.


Where can I complete a meal application for the free and reduced meal program?

Go to to complete the online application. (Many languages available) In the top right corner, hover your mouse over "School Services" and select Free and Reduced Application from the menu.  In the "Search for A District: box, please type/select John Adams Academies, Inc. (Roseville, California) from the pulldown menu.   You can also complete the meal application form after logging into your Linq Connect account by clicking the three dashes on the left side of the page and selecting, FREE & REDUCED MEAL APPLICATION.  


Applications can be downloaded and printed from the website. Go to the FAMILIES tab from the main navigation bar and select ACADEMY NUTRITION SERVICES.  Select FREE & REDUCED MEAL APPLICATION on the right to locate and print the application. Please scan application to [email protected]  You may also obtain, complete and turn in completed applications at the front office.


What do I do if I am having trouble entering my information on Linq Connect?

Be sure to use Google Chrome browser or Firefox. If after switching browsers you still experience issues, please contact Titan at (844) 467-4700 or, email [email protected].


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