Academy Nutrition Services » Scholar PINS

Scholar PINS

The scholar PINS used during meal service, can be located via
your Aeries Parent Portal. 
1. Log into your Aeries Parent Portal
2. Click DEMOGRAPHICS on the left side of screen.
Demographics button on left side of screen.
ELEMENTARY SCHOLARS: In the middle of the screen, under LOCKER, this is the PIN # to enter on the 10-key pad at the POS terminal. 
Locker space pointed out on screen.
SECONDARY SCHOLARS: PIN # is their STUDENT ID #.  The number is directly located under their name on the left of the screen and also located on their ID card and schedule printout. 
Please note: if there are any issues with the number, or if your scholar doesn't have their number memorized, they will be able to use their names to check out.  No scholar will be denied a meal because they don't have or know their code.