Logging Hours or Donations

Logging Hours or Donations

Logging volunteer hours or donations is easy! You can either fill out a paper Volunteer Hour Log and turn it into the reception desk, log you hours when signing out after volunteering on site, or log your hours or donations via ParentSquare.


Click HERE to print a paper log or feel free to pick one up or return forms at any John Adams Academy reception desk.


You can also log hours or donations by clicking the Volunteer Hours button in the lower-left corner of the navigation bar from any ParentSquare screen. 


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In the Volunteer Hours screen, report your volunteer information and click "Save".


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 For safety purposes, all visitors on campus are required to sign in upon arrival and wear a visitor badge each day.  JAA uses reception desk sign-in logs for safety purposes.  JAA does not track volunteer hours using front desk sign-in logs.