Ten Core Values » #4 – Scholar-Empowered Learning

#4 – Scholar-Empowered Learning

As sovereigns, scholars are responsible to educate themselves by taking ownership for their own learning. Sir Walter Scott stated, “All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education.”[1] John Adams Academy recognizes this truth. Mentors are responsible to inspire, not compel. This is the essence of great mentoring.


Successful scholars are self-motivated; they conscientiously choose what they need to learn and seek resources and mentors who can help them. The term scholar denotes a lifelong learner who is always in pursuit of the true, the good, and the beautiful. As they discover truth they can appreciate the beautiful, and in turn are able to do good for themselves and others.


The Academy seeks to support scholars’ self-learning by providing an edifying environment, necessary resources, and virtuous mentors who inspire. As mentors and scholars establish and abide by high standards of conduct, our school is free from the distractions typical of many schools. We then invite scholars to choose to develop their character by applying themselves to their academic disciplines.


[1] Sir Walter Scott, “Letter to J. G. Lockhart, June 16, 1830, in Letters of Sir Walter Scott, Vol. II, ed. H. J. C. Grierson (1936), quoted in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (1999), p. 652.