#10 – Self-Governance, Personal Responsibility, and Accountability
Liberty begins with self-governance, for one can never be truly free until one is ruler over one’s appetites and passions. From a practical standpoint, the less one rules oneself, the more one must be ruled by others. Personal responsibility is taking stewardship over one’s choices. If one is to be free, one must experience the effects of and be accountable for one’s choices. Accountability is an acceptance of the natural consequences of our choices. We cannot control all that happens to us. We can, however, control our response to what the environment and others may do or say to us.
Self-governance, personal responsibility, and accountability, therefore, must be the foundation upon which liberty is based.
John Adams Academy seeks to instill this value in its scholars by teaching them the connection between responsibility and liberty. As scholars grow in character and skill, we give them more opportunities to govern themselves within the framework of the Academy. We hold our scholars accountable for their actions. John Adams Academy scholars exhibit this value when they seek to obey just laws, constantly strive to uphold the Ten Core Values, and comply with the Academy’s standards and expectations.